Macro of the Month – January 2022 – LanguageSetUS / LanguageSetUK
Sets the language of the entire document
One of the ways macros enhance our productivity is by getting Word to work more efficiently. Navigating to and through a menu to find and execute a task can be time consuming. This month’s macro makes setting the language in a document faster and easier.
LanguageSetUS / LanguageSetUK
When you need to change the language setting of a Word document, you first need to select all the text and then navigate through the Language menu. If you don’t select all the text, you will change the language of only the word where the cursor is standing. Sometimes, though, following these steps can fail to reset the text everywhere, like inside textboxes.
Running LanguageSetUS / LanguageSetUK will capture the places Word overlooks. Not only that, when you run the macro you do not need to select all the text first. The macro does that for you.
For languages other than US or UK English, you can easily create a new macro. It just requires some copying and pasting:
1. Paste a copy of the LanguageSetUS code into a blank document in Word.
2. Locate the eighth line in the macro: myLanguage = wdEnglishUS.
3. Replace wdEnglishUS with the language designator you want. You can find a complete list of languages on Microsoft’s website. Here are a few options:
Australian English: wdEnglishAUS
Canadian English: wdEnglishCanadian
Irish English: wdEnglishIreland
New Zealand English: wdEnglishNewZealand
South African English: wdEnglishSouthAfrica
4. Don’t forget to change the name of the new macro!
5. Install your new macro in Word as you normally would install a macro.
Paul Beverley’s Word Macro Tools Library
If you recently installed CitationAlyse, you may want to install it again (be sure to delete the current version first!). A few weeks ago, Paul updated it, making it even easier to identify errors between the citations and references. If you need a refresher of how this macro works, check out the description in the December newsletter.
Upcoming Training – Macros A to Z
Is the thought of installing macros keeping you from getting started? Or do you have some experience with macros but want to get more out of them?
In the next Macros A to Z course you will learn all you need to know about macros—both the technical and the soft skills—through easy-to-manage lessons focused on optimizing the type of work you do. Over the six weeks, you will try out the macros that are the most popular among editors, and discover others, to streamline the onerous aspects of your projects. And you will have ample opportunity to get your questions answered, including three Zoom Q&As.
The course starts on April 18 through the Editorial Freelancers Association. If you are a member of a different editing organization, check if it has a reciprocal agreement with the EFA for discounted registration.
As always, I would love to hear from you. Tell me what your current favorite macro is or a tip or trick you’ve discovered.
Be safe and well,