Index of Macros

last updated: 1/29/2025

This is an index of the macros and topics covered in the newsletter. Some macros may appear in more than one category. Don’t miss the tips and troubleshooting sections at the end. If there is a macro you’d like to see covered in the newsletter, please message me at


CapperMax: applies headline-style capitalization

CapperMin: applies sentence-case capitalization

CaseNextChar: changes the capitalization of the word to the right of the cursor

CaseThisWord: changes the capitalization of the current word (where the cursor is standing)

Consistency Checking

AcronymAlyse: generates a list of all acronyms in a document and their frequency

CitationAlyse: cross-checks the reference list against the in-text citations and flags potential inconsistencies

CountPhrase: tells you how frequently a word or term appears in a document

HighlightWordList: highlights a list of words in a document to draw your attention as you are editing

HyphenAlyse: identifies potential hyphenation inconsistencies

HyphenSpaceWordCount: tells you how often a word pair is written as one word, two words, and hyphenated

MatchDoubleQuotes: flags unpaired double quotation marks

MatchSingleQuotes: flags unpaired single quotation marks (but not apostrophes)

ProperNounAlyse: identifies potential inconsistencies among proper nouns


DeleteOneWord: deletes the word in which the cursor is standing

DeleteRestOfSentence: deletes text from the end of the current word to the end of the sentence, keeping the sentence-ending punctuation

ParensContentDelete: Deletes parentheses and the content inside

ParenthesesEtcPairDelete: deletes pairs of punctuation marks (quote marks, parenthesis, commas, etc.)

PunctuationOff: deletes the next punctuation mark to the right of the cursor


[Dictionary]Fetch: searches an online dictionary

GoogleFetch: launches a Google search


ItalicQuickSwitch: applies and removes italics

ItalicQuoteToggle: italicizes words set in quotation marks or places italicized words in quotation marks

PasteUnformatted: pastes text and applies the formatting of the surrounding text

Language Settings

LanguageSetUS and LanguageSetUK: sets the language of the entire document

LanguageToggle: changes the language setting of the selected word


2024 Global Editing Macros Survey: read the results of the survey, including the 10 most popular macros according to editors worldwide

CustomKeys: speeds up assigning shortcuts by opening the Customize Keyboard dialogue box and selecting the macro category

KeystrokeLister: creates a list of your custom shortcuts

WhatChar: identifies the name of a character and its ANSI and Unicode numbers


NumberToTextUK: spells out numerals using “and” with hundreds (e.g., one hundred and twenty-one)

NumberToTextUS: spells out numerals without “and” with hundreds (e.g., one hundred twenty-one)

TextToNumber: converts written numbers to figures



Dash: inserts a spaced en dash or replaces a punctuation mark with a spaced en dash

EmDashUnspaced: inserts an unspaced em dash or replaces a punctuation mark with an unspaced em dash


HyphenAlyse: identifies potential hyphenation inconsistencies

HyphenSpaceWordCount: tells you how often a word pair is written as one word, two words, and hyphenated

PunctuationToSpace: splits a hyphenated word into two words

PunctuationToHyphen: hyphenates a word pair

WordPairPunctuate: makes word pair hyphenated or one word

Periods / Full Points / Full Stops

FullPoint: inserts a period or replaces a punctuation mark with a period and lowercases the next word if needed

Quotation Marks

DoubleQuotesSingleTopical: replaces a set of double quotation marks with single quotation marks

ItalicQuoteToggle: italicizes words set in quotation marks or places italicized words in quotation marks

MatchDoubleQuotes: flags unpaired double quotation marks

MatchSingleQuotes: flags unpaired single quotation marks (but not apostrophes)

ParenthesesEtcPairDelete: deletes pairs of punctuation marks (quote marks, parenthesis, etc.)

QuotesAddDouble: adds a pair of double quotation marks around the selected text

QuotesAddSingle: adds a pair of single quotation marks around the selected text

SingleQuotesDoubleTopical: replaces a set of single quotation marks with double quotation marks

Miscellaneous Punctuation

JoinTwoWords: turns two words or a hyphenated word into a single word

ParensContentDelete: Deletes parentheses and the content inside

ParenthesesEtcPairDelete: deletes pairs of punctuation marks (quote marks, parenthesis, etc.)

PunctuationOff: deletes the next punctuation mark to the right of the cursor

SwapPunctuation: swaps adjacent punctuation marks, such as a period or a comma with a quotation mark

Style Sheets

CopyToList: copies a word to your style sheet

CopyToListAlphabetic: copies words to the word list section of your style sheet in alphabetical order

CopyToListAlphaMenu: copies a term to the chosen section of your style sheet in alphabetical order

Text edits

AbbrSwap: swaps the name of an organization (or term) and its abbreviation when one is in parentheses

ThatWhich: replaces "that" with "which" and vice versa


Backing up macros: instructions for two methods, one of which backs up your shortcuts

Comment bubbles: Word’s preset shortcuts for inserting comments

Keyboard shortcuts: a downloadable template for keeping track of your custom shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts: generate a list of your custom shortcuts (PC only)

Repetitive strain: how macros reduce the chance of injury and a breakdown of the different levels of strain editors experience

Repetitive strain: macros for selecting and moving text to reduce the chance of injury

Search the internet using a macro: how to create your own internet-searching macro

Track Changes

TrackSimplifier: accepts the tracking for all formatting edits, punctuation edits, and/or edits for multiple spaces

TrackOnOffVisible (for PC only): turns Track Changes off and adds a yellow background to remind you that tracking is off; runs it again to turn Track Changes back on

TrackOnOffVisibleMac (for Mac only): turns Track Changes off and adds a yellow background to remind you that tracking is off; runs it again to turn Track Changes back on


A macro suddenly stops working

Common Error #1: ambiguous name detected

Common Error #2: the keyboard shortcut you just assigned doesn’t work

Common Error #3: all your macros have disappeared

Common Error #4: the macro doesn’t function as expected

How to turn off Modern Comments

Security Risk: Microsoft has blocked your macros from running

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